Christian Education: Meet to plan and implement a program of discipleship education for all ages.
Finance Committee: Develop and manage the annual church budget. This committee handles the pledge campaign each fall and any capital campaigns for major projects within the life of the church.
Lay Leadership: This committee generally is active in the fall slating nominees for church committees. This committee seeks to help members utilize their gifts for ministry within the local church.
Missions: Missions handle the collection and disbursement of the church's missional giving.
Outreach Team: Meets to plan and implement opportunities to reach out to the community.
Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations: This is the Human Resources office of the church. SPRC handles all of the hiring and personnel issues within the life of the church as well as monitoring and managing the relationship between the pastor and the congregation.
Trustees: The trustees prioritize and schedule regular maintenance and serve as our property and physical resource management team.
Memorials: A sub-committee of trustees that specializes in the handling of benevolences given to the church. Meeting discussions usually involve investment and disbursement of funds for specified church use. [Brookside UMC only]
Worship: The worship committee works with the Pastor and Choir Director/Organist on worship-related items. This committee serves to inform the worship leaders of the effectiveness of worship experiences.
Administrative Council: The main governing body of the church is the Administrative Council. It is made up of the chairpersons of all standing committees, the church Lay Leader, and the Administrative Council Chair and should include a young adult and youth representative. Other key leaders include Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Secretary, and Ad Council Secretary.