

Volunteer Signup Form

Currently we need people in the following positions (see list below):
To signup click the Open Form link.
Note Writing Team, Video Editing, and Online Guest Services.
We Need You!

Right now some of us have less time than we've ever had. Our hands are full with kids and schooling at home. Others of us have more time on our hands than we have ever had. Some of us are finding sheltering in place to be a refreshing sabbath. Others are struggling to make it through each day.

As we have tried to figure out what ministry looks like in a pandemic the one thing we are convinced of is that our eyes need to be focused outward more now than ever before. So whatever your current situation, you may want to consider how you can volunteer to reach out and help someone else connect with God and other people through our church ministries.

As part of our effort to move into our new reality, we are re-launching the church online. This is the first step of getting us back into the church building for worship. We have a team working hard to put together a safe and detailed plan to make that happen but even when we return to the building many will want to stay home and worship so we are creating a platform for old friends and new who we know will not be comfortable in the church building.

The days of not having an online presence are gone and we will continue to move all our ministries online even as we also move back into the building. This means we have retooled how you can be in ministry to other people.

Below is a list of ways you can volunteer at church right now. They are categorized into four big areas: Care Ministries, Video Ministries, Event Production, and Community Outreach. Under each category, they are listed in ascending order based on the time commitment.

You will notice that many of them are aspirational…things we see a need for but currently do not have someone to head up a team. Please prayerfully consider moving into a position of leadership if you think you might have the skills and/or desire to learn and lead in that area. One of the opportunities we have in a crisis time like this is to try things we never thought of doing before. Perhaps this is your Esther moment and you are here precisely for such a time as this.

You can contact the leader directly, or you can reach out to our secretary and she will pass on your contact information. Care for yourself, and help care for someone else by volunteering through church.


    1. Prayer Team
      Pray for prayer requests submitted through our prayer email
      Leader: Sue Van Kampen
    2. Call Team
      Call people on the phone from church to check in on how they're doing
      Leader: Barb Moyes
    3. Note Writing Team
      Write a note to someone from the church
      Leader: TBD (Could it be you?)
    4. Online Small Group Leader
      Gather a group of people online. The gathering could be through a video/phone platform like Zoom a Facebook group or an online discussion forum. If you can host a “Watch Party” you can host a small group.


    1. Video Readers
      Record yourself reading a prayer or scripture or some other worship component
      Leader: Diane Roskoskey
    2. Video Testimonies
      Record yourself sharing a story about how God has been at work in your life lately.
      Leader: TBD (Could it be you?)
    3. Video Special Music
      Do you have a musical gift either vocally or instrumental that you can share by recording so we can use it in the worship service?
    4. Video Editing
      Edit video testimonies, video liturgies, split-screen music videos, etc.  There are options here for those who are beginners or would like to learn and those who are more advanced
      Leader: TBD (Could it be you?)
    5. Video Project Coordinator
      Coordinate one or more video productions from the initial contact, filming, collecting, and passing on to the editor
      Leader: TBD (Could this be you?)


    1. Online Guest Services
      Greet everyone who joins in an online event
      Leader: TBD (Could this be you?)
    2. Digital Tech Assistant
      Help people set up Facebook accounts or computers/smartphones to be able to get and stay connected in this new world
      Leader: TBD (Could this be you?)


  1. Facebook Guest Services
    Greet everyone who interacts with our Facebook page through liking or commenting
    Leader: TBD (Could this be you?)
  2. Content Distributor
    Distribute digital content to various platforms like YouTube, podcasts, Social Media, etc. We would like to be able to reach a larger audience by increasing our ways of sharing content
    Leader: TBD (Could this be you?)