Caring Connections
Caring Connection is a nurturing group that has several areas in which participants can be in ministry.
Sewing, knitting, and other needle arts skills are used to create items for distribution to shut-ins and the hospitalized. The group works to provide kits and clothing for the Midwest Distribution Center which services the US and world. The committee also oversees provisions for funeral lunches.
The many acts of caring spearheaded by this committee include making costumes for the Children's Christmas Program, knitting prayer shawls, making hand-sewn lap robes for shut-ins, blankets for babies baptized in the church, sending out birthday cards to elderly church members, providing keepsake spoons for babies, and encouraging healthy living and preventative care.
Other aspects of support cared for by Caring Connections includes overseeing the distribution of bread at worship on Sunday mornings which is used to welcome newcomers and to recognize congregants celebrating special life events.
Guys Lunch Out
Guys Lunch Out is an opportunity for men of the church to socialize and provide support for each other. The group meets the last Saturday of each month at Spuds Restaurant on Waverly Rd. near St. Joe Hwy. in Lansing. Contact Andy Wright to reserve your spot. He can be reached at 517-795-0111 or online at Andrewwright0200@gmail.com
Homebound Communion Stewards
This is a group of caring individuals who take communion once a month to our homebound members.
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women host an Enrichment Circle which meets the first Monday afternoon of every month at 1:00 p.m. Its purpose is "To know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church." Meetings are held in the Church parlor and include a program of enriching topics and a time for fellowship. Contact: The church office at (517) 627-3256.
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men meet at Sophia's in Grand Ledge for breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 7:30 a.m. This is a time of fellowship and to discuss participation in the occasional activities at the church in which the men participate, such as, Lenten breakfasts or a workday at the Church. Contact the Church office at (517) 627-3256.
For specific information on the above groups, current activities, and opportunities for service and involvement, Download the Current Issue of the newsletter, The Chimes; check the Sunday Worship bulletin; phone the contact person or the Church Office at 627-3256 or E-mail Us via our secure Contact Us form.