Pastor's Note

Pastor's Note
Rev. Kayla Roosa, Senior Pastor

Reverend, Kayla Roosa
With the change of the season over the weekend, I am reminded of a contemporary Christian song, "Every Season" by Nicole Nordeman.

The lyrics:
1. Every evening sky, an invitation
To trace the patterned stars
And early in July, a celebration
For freedom that is ours

2. And I notice You in children's games
In those who watch them from the shade
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder
You are summer

3. And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside

4. Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and what's to come
You are autumn

The song continues, but every season reminds me of change and I am grateful for all that God has already begun in us together and look forward to seeing what God will continue to lead us into a new chapter of ministry together. We are weathering the changes. We are leaning in and having some challenging conversations along the way and asking questions that need to be asked. God is with us walking with us, prompting and probing us to take another step of faith as we lean into our purpose.

It has been a wild month of settling into fall rhythms. I rejoice for listening ears in the sanctuary of all ages. We did make a shift in the typical Sunday School, as we are keeping children in the sanctuary through the sermon. Dismissing at the end of the sermon, the young people join Amy Hoyes and some weeks Michael for music. This still allows some time for the young people to have a lesson, activity and a snack, or continue discussing things they may have heard in the sanctuary up to that point. I'm always amazed at what our young people do hear and how they are processing it. In October you will begin to see the young people be challenged to have listening ears and engaged hands by raising their hands on a key word each week. During this season it may mean they are listening for words like: gratitude, generosity, abundance, etc. If you want to engage in this activity, you are welcome to! We are trying to find ways to engage hands, eyes and ears for our young people. We do also have "busy bags" to engage our young disciples hands during worship. I would challenge our young people to draw or color things they are hearing and experiencing in worship. God shows up in many ways, just as the song above cites.

Fall brings Church Conference – Members - have you saved the date on your calendar to join us October 20th for our Church Conference? We are hosting this year for our mission hubs – more information is found later in the newsletter.

We also are beginning a Stewardship Campaign titled: Generosity. You should have received a letter giving an overview of the campaign along with a commitment card for the upcoming year. You heard early September that we are projecting a $40,000 deficit. The Finance Team is monitoring the situation. We made a decision to pay our District Ministry Shares in full and make a contribution to the Conference Ministry Shares in our meeting this month, totaling $2,500. Please consider ways you can be practicing generosity in this season of the church. Join us for this sermon series and listen for the ways which God is calling you to stretch and grow as a disciple by increasing your own generosity.

In September I also started a brief prayer service. If you missed it, there is another one scheduled for October 10th at 1pm. We also welcomed new members – Dr. David & Colleen Bremer and Arlene Smith – what a joy! Welcome friends!

If we haven't had a chance to connect yet, plan on attending the potluck on October 6th that SPRC is hosting to welcome me following worship! I hope to see you there!

Together in Christ,
Pastor Kayla