Brothers and sisters, we must always thank God for you. This is only right because your faithfulness is growing by leaps and bounds, and the love that all of you have for each other is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3
I have an abundance of gratitude for each of you as I reflect this morning. Your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your care for me and my family as we have weathered the storms together the past few months. Thank you!
Thank you to those who have stepped up in recent days and weeks to help in the midst of the transition that we find ourselves. Many hands make light the load and the burdens being carried.
This past month, I started reading/listening/reflecting on a leadership book that was released during the pandemic, by Todd Bolsinger "Tempered Resilience: How Leaders are Formed in the Crucible of Change." Little did I know how much it would provide me nourishment in this season of change and in-between. We are in the process of being tempered individually, congregation and community. It is sacred and holy work that will require us to deepen our faith, strengthen our prayer life, and get our hands and feet engaged in new ways. Join me for the journey as we are shaped by our Potter's Hands.
Lent is almost here, beginning with a worship service following the Community Meal on March 5th at 7:15. This will be a service with other United Methodist Churches and any others who wish to attend. All are welcome. Please take a close look through the rest of this edition, there is a lot of information and an invitation to join your hands together by collecting coins during Lent for our Ministry Shares, as well as an upcoming time to play games together in the afternoon following worship.
Together in ministry,
Pastor Kayla